January 2021, ISSUE NO. 9
Reneux Yourself
News to help you look and feel good!

Happy New Year!
We’re excited to start the new year with you and are grateful we made it through 2020 together. Cheers to making 2021 our best year yet!
“To be kind is more important than to be right. Many times what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald
Your Reneux Ohana

SPOTLIGHT – Thermage Skin Tightening – On special this month only!
What is Thermage and what does it do?
Tightens, smooths, and lifts sagging skin using radiofrequency technology to stimulate collagen production. Redefines facial contours and improves skin texture and tone for an overall renewed appearance with no downtime.
How often should I do Thermage?
First-time Thermage patients should do a 2nd treatment within 6 months for optimum results. Results then can be maintained with annual treatments.
Staff Testimonials!
“I love Thermage! What I notice most is when I pinch my jowls, there’s less loose skin and it feels tighter!” -Annie, 47
“Thermage has been my favorite treatment for years! I love how it minimizes the appearance of my jowls and redefines the contours in my lower face.” -Sasha, 37

Product Feature
Silcskin pads – Remove wrinkles while you sleep!
What are Silcskin pads?
Medical-grade silicon pads for the face, neck, and chest that hydrate and plump skin overnight. Reusable for up to 30 days!
Who can benefit from using it?
Anyone with fine lines or crepey skin on their face, neck, or chest.
When and how often should I use it?
Nightly for best results or before special occasions/events to achieve a smoother appearance.
How long do results last?
Results are temporary (7-8 hours) but continued use can minimize worsening of fine lines and creepy skin.
Visit our online store at store.reneuxmeddayspa.com or call us at (808) 593-7844 for more information!

Which Reneux team member competed in high school wrestling and placed in states?
A) Ranee
B) Neysa
C) Noreen
D) Taylen
E) None of the above
ENTER TO WIN! Reply to this e-mail with your guess
and all correct guesses will be entered into a drawing
for a free surprise product! Winner will be contacted in

February promo is here!
$100 OFF Lip Fillers & 20% OFF Lip Products
Offer valid until Feb. 28, 2025
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Website by Blue Logic Labs
© 2019 Reneux Med & Day Spa. All Rights Reserved. Website by Blue Logic Labs